Staying Connected in a Disconnected World

Many people find maintaining a spiritual connection while going about their day-to-day life quite difficult. The dilemma of finding ourselves spiritually or maintaining spiritual awareness is that we still have to live in the physical world. How does one stay grounded and centred while trying to work, run a family and navigate the fear and drama emanating daily from the media?


The key to maintaining spiritual awareness in a busy world is all about being aware of your connection to spirit at all times and using a raft of tools to help you to keep positive and high vibrations. The first tip I can give is to get to know the angels and archangels who are guiding you so you can talk to them and ask for help every day, even in the busiest or most stressful times.


The higher you can keep your vibrational frequency the less likely you will get dragged down into Third Dimensional vibrations of fear, drama and negativity. Once a person has succumbed to fear, they will easily become swamped by self-doubt, criticism from others and all of the old negative belief systems they may have been working to eliminate. Getting oneself back to a high vibration where one can see everything from a higher perspective and stay calm and grounded is a no mean feat, particularly if the people around you do not share your spiritual views.


Reaching a higher state of consciousness and connecting to one’s own psychic and spiritual gifts is absolutely wonderful and can be life-changing, but maintaining it requires vigilance. Here are some tips to keep your vibrations high and to avoid taking on the negative energies of others:

• Meditate every day. Find time to go within and just be.

• Stay away from the media. News and current affairs are filled with sensationalism, drama and fear-mongering.

• Eat healthy food and get enough sleep.

• Learn to love yourself! Happiness comes from within. 

If you are in overwhelm and finding it more difficult to connect, try these simple techniques:

• Bring up the Violet Flame of Transmutation whenever you feel angry or someone around you has been particularly negative.

• Call on Archangel Michael to clear your energies of negative energies, cut ties to people and situations that have been draining your energy, ground you and protect you with his blue shield. You can also ask him to disconnect your energies from the Human Collective Consciousness, particularly if you have been feeling anxious for no reason.

• Put on some Solfeggio meditation music and do some slow breathing.

• Go for a walk to reconnect with nature and ground to Mother Earth.

• Have a shower or bath – water is very calming and grounding.

• Take a step back and allow yourself some space.


We are all spiritual beings connected to the Source of Creation. We have all been blessed with our own gifts and have access to the knowledge of the Universe. We just need to believe it to be true!

The Book of Life: Lessons from Mother Earth channeled by Victoria Cochrane is full of beautiful messages from the Masters to help humans to learn to live more in harmony with Mother Earth. Every chapter is accompanied by a meditation, which have also been recorded and are available when you buy the book.

Now Victoria has released Oracle Cards that contain an inspirational quote from the book, with an important part of the meditation on the back. So you can receive a quick inspirational message to start each day!

The book is available from Victoria’s website and all online sellers for $29, with the cards only available direct from Victoria for $35 plus postage. Book and cards packages are available for the reduced price of $58.00.


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