Tarotscope – May 2023

General: 7 of Wands & 5 of Wands (Both Instant Jumpers)

As we begin this next month, it fits perfectly in Taurus season (Happy Birthday Taureans) for us all that there would be an energy of needing to control situations in all areas of life. Expect a challenge ahead with the need to practice self-discipline alongside patience with both yourself and others. Feeling under attack from all angles will bring with it a sense of turmoil. Do your best to navigate this time to the best of your ability, feeling overwhelmed will come with the territory. Choose your battles as you’ll be feeling exhausted with the amount of pent-up frustration and not seeing eye to eye on most things in most connections. Globally there will be tension across the board and various groups will feel there is a great injustice building and needs to be heard. Be your own best friend and weather this storm with long deep breaths, self-care and knowing where you stand in yourself.

Love/Romance: 8 of Wands

WOW! Buckle up in the love department. Ask and it shall be, just when we need it, the love and romance train is an express. Strong but very rapid energy is afoot with a transformation in our favour. There will be an opportunity to redefine the values and communication style within existing relationships- enjoy this process, resisting it will only cause disagreements that will get out of hand VERY quickly. Connections that have outdated stagnant energy will be broken open for the work to be done and improved or be released for a higher good to take its place. Singles will be faced with inner work for themselves as a result they will find themselves closer to what they want in a partner and thus much much closer to attracting it- It’s closer than you think. No more compromising, it’s time for true, deep QUALITY connections.

Family/Domestic: 5 of Pentacles

We all need a reminder about the importance of the things we often take for granted. At the top of the list is Family! This month you’ll be faced with some challenges on the home front in multiple ways. This unfortunate energy comes at a time when families will feel the pinch in more ways than one. Ensuring you always come back to basics and prioritise your loved ones this month would be of great benefit. Communication will go far, especially if it’s gentle. Physical home and house issues may also be on the up and up this month, causing more stress on the family unit as a whole. Budgeting and connecting as a family will help get through this low energy. Team work makes the dream work.

Work/Career: King of Wands

Gear up buttercup! There is a powerful new phase storming its way into our lives this month for work and career. Expect big ideas, big visions and big partnerships.

This is a prime opportunity for collaborations. Prepare yourself to harness any outstanding projects to either launch or clean house- regardless, there will be results. Powering through to shine in business will be a welcome push. A Lot of hard work will be put into career focus and I’m happy to report it will pay off in more ways than one. Be sure to remember you’re the captain of the ship and despite any partnerships- you would do well to remain at the helm and simply consult with other parties, not hand them the wheel. Congratulations on a job soon to be well done.

Health/Wellbeing: Strength & Judgement

Judgement tarot card

There has never been a more important time in human history to know your body and what being ‘healthy’ looks like for you as an individual. Having an understanding of what ‘normal’ is for you is completely different to what it is for someone else, therein lies the opportunity to stand up and speak clearly with a level of self advocacy for what you need to live your best life. The ‘one size fits all’ approach is ‘so last century’. This month brings with it a polarity which may cause a level of uncomfortability for some, if they don’t wish to dive deep into the big but very simple questions of…Why, What & How?

Why is my body having issues? What is the cause? and How can I fix it? Are you ready to dig deep into what your mind, body & soul are screaming at you? There is opportunity for growth here, don’t waste it, be bold and brave and ready to do the fundamental work to clear past and present challenges, heal and live.


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