General: The Chariot
A big welcome to June 2023! This month kicks off with a bang we all need and have been waiting for! There has been so much being put on the back burner, so much put into the “I’ll get to it later pile”, well I’m pleased to say, those amazing things you’ve been wanting to do, plan and achieve are well within reach. With a positive push in your corner, things will start to move forward in a direction that will offer great clarity, excitement and growth. Make the plans for the trip you’ve been wanting to take, change the house around to give a fresh energy feeling and revitalize your personal life with new exciting activities out of your comfort zone that will put a smile on your dile.
Love/Romance: Strength (Jumper The World)
We’re leveling up indeed, The love and romance side of life is no exception here. This month ensures you allow the effortless flow of acknowledging your raw emotions, and the growth attached to overcoming them. Taming the beast as it were, will feel amazing. So many paths moving forward allowing you to not only discover your inner ‘oompf’ but see it in your close loving connections. This energy offers a unique and powerful opportunity to go deeper without the normal hesitation that may have been present. Great communication with yourself and within your closer loving connections will be a must, You can’t achieve big things if you’re not honest about the journey. Allow and trust- You got this!
Family/Domestic: 4 of Wands

This month is as good as it gets for family and domestic life! What a welcome treat. Now is the time for new and old connections alike to revitalise their time together, ask yourself, is my family life as fun and wholesome as it can be? Anticipate more surprises, activities and games nights. This is such a perfect time to fully embrace all that makes up your home life, the people, the place and the feeling it creates. June will be the ideal backdrop for a very pleasant time for all things family. Enjoy the stability your roots and Homebase will offer you and keep investing in your ‘soul tribe/ community’.
Work/Career: Death & King of Wands
What a powerful contrast in energy for a career this month, there may be many changes afoot and even possible abrupt endings with contracts and business deals. Jobs that were once on offer may no longer be accessible due to budget or funding restrictions. On the flip side, this will help promote self-exploration into what you want and are fully capable of. Expect to feel an extremely strong push forward towards making your own destiny, whether creating your own business and empowering yourself or finding a newfound sense of drive to pursue new directions in business deals and job applications. Where there are endings, there will be new ventures to be had, trust your ability and let your motivation do the talking.
Health/Wellbeing: 2 of Swords & 3 of Cups
What an interesting dynamic energy for June, with a clear split in two directions, it will be very important to be clear about what information you’re entertaining and pursuing regarding your health and well-being. In other words, are you focusing on developing your mind, body & soul on a deeper, more healthy level? or are you finding the information too overwhelming or even vague and therefore confusing? It will be vital to continue to move into a space where you’re facilitating healing and clarity for yourself, if you do this you’ll have the results to celebrate alongside your efforts.