For this issue I’m using the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck.
September 2022 Reading

General: 8 of Pentacles
As we enter the back half of the year and with the end of financial year hangover, it’s not surprising the energy that is for the collective this month is all about the 3 Rs. Readjusting, Redirecting and Refinancing. Not only will you find yourself feeling the impulse to work smarter not harder, but this time some real changes will be made that will lay the foundations for the rest of your life. Be sure to make smart, wise, choices. The time for impulsive risks that have not been well researched is gone. Practicality will pay off in more ways than one – this is your time to shine and become the creator of your destiny!
Love/Romance: 5 of Wands
Alas, there is always next month… Love isn’t always roses and butterflies unfortunately and this month brings an interesting theme of opposing energies within intimate connections. This will require compassion, compromise and the ability to choose your battles. For the sake of harmony in relationships, be sure to communicate with empathy and understanding to navigate your way through. A lesson to accept our loved ones for who and how they are rather than how we want them to be is about learning it quickly to enjoy the rewards of unconditional love on both sides.

Family/Domestic: 6 of Cups (Jumper – The Hermit)
Did anyone order a night in? How about 30? The need to create a bubble on the home front is very present. Wanting to hold things close and even more exclusive in your circles will be called for. Expect the desire to turn inward, and channel your energy into making the house and home life everything you’ve ever wanted. Creating what might feel like a ‘zone of comfort’ for yourself could be a reality. This comes at a sacrifice to the social life – but one you’re more than willing to make. Enjoy this sense of domestic bliss and indulge yourself with simple moments.
Work/Career: 3 of Cups
Congratulations in advance! Prepare to be acknowledged on the career front. Your efforts will no longer go unnoticed. Be sure to speak up and make yourself heard, especially if you work in a team environment. Knowing what you’re capable of is one thing, but finally being valued for it, is truly another. Give yourself permission to be patted on the back and keep rising up through ranks. Set your sights high on the next venture or project – it’s time for the next development. Your leadership skills will deserve praise, be sure to reward yourself even if it’s just a dinner with friends, when you celebrate your achievement, it makes the ones to follow that much sweeter! Money meets effort and you’ve got the effort!

Health/Wellbeing: 6 of Swords
Time to take care of you! As you move forward and find what your new ‘routine or normal’ means to you, don’t forget to rest, recalibrate and recharge. If you find yourself back into a monotonous cycle that isn’t working for you, there will be serious consequences to your health and wellbeing. We’ve all been through something that has NEVER been experienced before in humanity, so moving to smoother waters is inevitable, but the journey of how you arrive to smoother waters will depend on your own individual actions. Ask yourself – am I listening to my body? Am I meeting my own needs? Do I need to make sustainable changes for my future? It’s now or never!
October 2022 Reading
General: 8 of wands (Jumper 9 of Pentacles)
Blink and you’ll miss it, this month delivers a great deal of opportunity and information with expedience. As with any new information there is excitement, anticipation and vulnerability. Being in a position to act on financial matters with autonomy and in your own best interest would be advisable. Singles will be owning their own personal power and loving the ability to create new and rewarding situations in life. Prepare to take swift action to set yourself up or you might find an almost ‘blind sided’ energy taking you by surprise. Be assertive, decisive and confident to take full advantage of what’s about to come. Fortune favours the bold? Or Fortune favours the prepared? Time will tell…

Love/Romance: The Devil
We all crave connection, affection and intimacy on some level, it’s a part of our DNA, but issues are born when there are no boundaries around how the aforementioned feelings are acquired. Be wary of falling into any depression or hopelessness regarding your love life. When people find themselves feeling that way, a sense of desperation and lack of standards is accepted and this only leads to more destruction of oneself. In these confusing modern times we’ve lost the ability to meet organically and build a relationship that lasts a lifetime. Hang in there, broaden your horizons and keep the standards high. Ask the universe to bring you only the best of the best, until such time you will be content. Stay strong and avoid being tempted by any low vibrations offering immediate but limited gratification.
Family/Domestic: Judgment
Big decisions will dominate your home life this month, with the need to keep a level head, do research and keep the lines of open communication going. Being gentle with yourself and with others close to you will be especially important. Whatever choices are before you, remember they may have implications for others and vice versa, those around you make choices that impact upon you. Be gentle, kind, compassionate and hold a strong sense of empathy to get the best outcome for all involved. If a situation is no longer bringing you happiness then now is also the time to re-evaluate it and address it with assertiveness, no longer are you the landing point of the debris of other’s explosions. Stand strong and be kind.

Work/Career: 5 of Swords
Balance is not just a word, it’s a way of life. Balance means you have the ability to keep things in your life where they need to be. You have the ability to hold space for others as well as yourself. You know when and how to fill your own cup up before and after others take from it. Balance relates to every area of our lives. Keeping a balance in our career is an absolute must in this modern world, with everything moving faster and being required faster, this slowly and subtly erodes our work/life balance. When we’re out of balance, the mental and emotional turmoil can seep in. Let’s stop this before it begins, keep your balance in your work space while you hold space for yourself. Self sacrifice is not going to be rewarded. Give what you can and then rest that mind of yours.
Health/Wellbeing: Wheel of Fortune (Jumper – 7 of wands)
Do you have the capacity to self advocate? You may find yourself in a bit of a pickle this month regarding your health and wellbeing. Realising what your needs are, is step one, putting a plan into place in order to rectify those deficits is the second. Having assistance in order to undertake that plan and health journey might prove to be the fork in the road. You’ll be left with two options, one, coming as far as you have and knowing your requirements but surrendering to being given what you get. Or two, you trust yourself, know what to do and choose the path that will have you being better than ever before despite anyone’s help or hindrance. Trust yourself, there is a test coming. You’ve got this!

Missy Rivers is a Spiritual Psychic Medium and Teacher.