Love for YOU is all You Need – Self-Love Coach Jo Worthy

At school we learnt about the three Rs – Reading, (W)riting and (A)rithmetic. Self-Love Coach, Jo Worthy, talks about the three Ws – Worthiness, Wealth and Wisdom. I’ve got to be honest, the three Ws interests me a whole lot more.

Looking back on where she has come from, Jo admits that being a self-love coach, motivational speaker and author was always part of her destiny. She has previously worked in the corporate sector and, “I think I got to a stage in my life where I just knew there was more and that there was a stronger calling towards my true purpose.

“I started my business eight years ago and I finally started listening to my intuition and my inner calling. I stepped more and more into my courage and now my business has completely evolved and where it is meant to be,” she said.

Jo’s book title is Love Worthy – 21 Lessons in Creating a Deliciously Divine Life. She explained that everything in life comes back to self-love, “Because when we really don’t have self-love we don’t follow our true path, we don’t listen to our intuition and we tend to sit in that suffering… and whether you call it self-love, whether you call it your inner power, whether you call it your Queen or your Goddess energy, you’re basically living a mediocre life until you’re able to connect into that… inner power… and continue to work on your self-love journey.” Love Worthy is a memoir and as Jo candidly writes about her life, you realise that she only teaches what she has personally experienced from deep trauma, betrayal and overcoming a lot of adversity to create her most magnificent life. The book is also a handy self-help guide as Jo outlines the exact fundamentals that help turn her life around.

Jo admits it has taken her to get to the age of 57 to get to the absolute feeling of freedom to now adopt the attitude, “Either you like me, or you don’t.” She stressed that most of the women she works with are people pleasers and through her mentoring she is able to help them to also feel this way.

Jo is also the creator of Bali Bliss retreats and her next one is happening 17-25 June, 2023 in tranquil Ubud. There is no better form of self-care than to escape to a retreat for 7 absolute days of bliss and is one of the best gifts of self-love.

Jo is also the creator of the Worthy Wealthy Wise Woman event, which is happening on the Gold Coast from 11-12 March, 2023. The Worthy Wealthy Wise Woman event is Jo’s biggest, boldest and bravest project yet and is first event of its kind that Jo has created. She refers to herself as an introvert, which is surprisingly to some, so organising big events like this is totally out of her comfort zone, however her motto is, “Feel the fear and do it scared regardless!”.

Jo said, “I totally love retreats and events… and I have spent my adult life attending them and now extremely proud that I run my own. Stepping into my courage has been a huge part of my own personal development journey. Now I have got to the point I am so very passionate about teaching other women all the life lessons I have learnt.” She also knows so much magic can happen when women gather in a high-vibrational space.

Jo said, “This will be a unique event that mixes business with pleasure, added with a beautiful mixture of spirituality, fun and heart-warming connections.”

The themes for the Worthy Wealthy Wise Woman event are Worthiness, Wealth and Wisdom. Jo wants this event to be more than just an event but a whole experience where women feel celebrated and inspired to live their best life and reconnect back to their inner-power. This includes being unapologetically and authentically themselves.

One of the keynote speakers is She D’Montford, who is a gifted psychic medium, author and Queensland Businesswoman of the Year and Australian of the Year nominee. Jo said, “She is going to be doing some beautiful work on the inner goddess and how we all deserve love and abundance.”

Another keynote speaker is the creator of the Pillar Code, Patti-Jane Ashley, who will be speaking about purpose, passion and Mojo. There are nine other incredible women speaking as well, combined with the soulful tunes of Lou Van Stone to open up the event and other vibrant performances. Jo said the event will have a real focus on personal development and spirituality, however will assist ALL areas of your life, including if you run a business. In true Jo style she describes the event as “deliciously divine” and she cannot wait to celebrate with you and share these two incredible days with you.




Sarah Jayd – MysticMag Feature

Spiritual Events Directory’s Sarah Jayd has been featured in Mystic Mag Sarah Jayd’s inspiring journey from a single mother seeking happiness to the founder of


A few years ago, I had been suffering with a bad back on and off for a couple of weeks. I had done everything I