
A few years ago, I had been suffering with a bad back on and off for a couple of weeks. I had done everything I could to get better, but I was just a teary, achy mess! Finally, at my husband’s insistence, I went to see a friend, Terry* who practiced massage and Reiki.

Because I had a cold he decided not to do a full body massage. Instead, he worked on re-balancing my aura and chakras and activating my system. I was a real mess, apparently, and I did feel like a new woman afterwards. While he was working, however, he told me the masters wished to tell me to trust, and to walk tall with my head held high. He also said I was being encouraged to leave the self-doubt behind as, it being two weeks past the Spring solstice, it was my last chance to do so to be able to move forward. During the massage, Terry identified areas in my back that were associated with anger, grief and disappointment. After it had all been released my back problems disappeared! It just goes to show how powerful hidden emotions can be and the impact they can have on the physical body.

Whilst soaking up the treatment I experienced the most incredible meditation. I came into a red, gilded room and saw the higest Buddha I have seen. He looked like a statue but spoke to me, saying that he is one with the Creator’s energy and the Christ Consciousness. He was incredibly jolly and kind. He said he had two gifts for me. In one giant hand he held a pink lotus flower, which he said was the Christ Consciousness. In the other he held a ruby red vessel, which was my own love. The vessel kept changing shape; at first it was like a vase, then it was tall and thin, then it was short and fat. It never stopped changing.

Then suddenly it was a red, glass bath filled with water and the lotus flower was floating on top. I got into the warm water in the bath and the lotus flowers started multiplying. Suddenly, the bath became the ocean and the many lotuses became chalices. I began filling the chalices with the water from the ocean until all of them, which were in their hundreds, were all filled to the brim. I was, essentially, filling the Christ cup with my own love, which are one and the same. How beautiful. It confirmed to me that I had shed the emotions and beliefs that were not serving me and I was now loving myself unconditionally in the energy of oneness with Christ and the Creator.

That week, everything changed for me. I began receiving calls from people in crisis and in need of my help. I myself, as discussed above, had needed help to clear and restore my energies, but my problems were nothing compared to some others who were absolutely distraught. In most cases, these people were at a cross-roads where decisions had to be made about what, and even who, to leave behind in order to progress on their paths.

Then, on the way home from an afternoon of clearings, I smelt a smoky, burnt-ash smell. Thinking someone was burning off, I thought no more of it until I was sitting on my friend’s couch miles from where I had first smelt it and the smell was as strong as ever! Slipping into meditation, I saw the masters standing in front of a burnt-out pit. This, they said, was my resurrection, or my re-birth. I had shed the old ways of thinking and was now ready to move fully onto my path. From now on, whatever I had been waiting to happen would come in at a rapid rate. When I saw the pit completely covered in grass and flowers, my abundance would come in and my dreams would start coming true. This would be in about two days’ time!

Wow! This was unexpected but incredibly exciting. I meditated the next day and saw some blades of grass coming up through the ash. On the third day I could again smell the burnt smell-in meditation the whole pit was covered in grass and a flower was appearing. The masters widened the circle and I could see the pit area tapered off underneath to a long pinnacle. This represented the depths of my gifts.

I am sharing this story with my beautiful spiritual family to encourage you to work on leaving your baggage behind and to trust in the Creator and the path that you have chosen for yourself. Love is the key – fill your cups with love for yourself and everything else will fall into place. I give thanks and blessings every day for my gifts and the ability to use them to help others. I also give thanks that I have you all to share my stories with! Embrace ascension; my goodness, it is amazing!

Blessings and love,
Victoria Cochrane

The Book of Life: Lessons from Mother Earth channeled by Victoria Cochrane is full of beautiful messages from the Masters to help humans to learn to live more in harmony with Mother Earth. Every chapter is accompanied by a meditation, which have also been recorded and are available when you buy the book.

Now Victoria has released Oracle Cards that contain an inspirational quote from the book, with an important part of the meditation on the back. So you can receive a quick inspirational message to start each day!

The book is available from Victoria’s website and all online sellers for $29, with the cards only available direct from Victoria for $35 plus postage. Book and cards packages are available for the reduced price of $58.00.


Sarah Jayd – MysticMag Feature

Spiritual Events Directory’s Sarah Jayd has been featured in Mystic Mag Sarah Jayd’s inspiring journey from a single mother seeking happiness to the founder of


A few years ago, I had been suffering with a bad back on and off for a couple of weeks. I had done everything I