Editor’s Editing Service Australia

Editing & Proofreading Service

Spiritual Events Directory delivers complete print media and online publishing support with each step of the editing process to ensure your book obtains the professional refinement it deserves before publishing. 

Our editing service and proofreading service in Australia include copywriting, copywriting for SEO, editing, line editing, developmental editing, and proofreading. 


We’ll report and discuss with Australian authors our review, constructive critique, and suggestions to improve your writting.  If authors are looking for independent feedback for their literary work then you’ve come to a supportive, affordable, Australian editing and proofreading service. Phone our Australian editor to start the conversation of helping you improve your writing. 

Our editors review each manuscript thoroughly, checking all critical aspects of the manuscript, including the narrative, vocabulary, synonyms, structure, context, characterisation, style, and development.


Sarah Jayd – MysticMag Feature

Spiritual Events Directory’s Sarah Jayd has been featured in Mystic Mag Sarah Jayd’s inspiring journey from a single mother seeking happiness to the founder of


A few years ago, I had been suffering with a bad back on and off for a couple of weeks. I had done everything I

Are You Listening?

Do you know you soul’s purpose for reincarnating? If you do, congratulations, but many people are feeling lost and discontent because there is a void